Online courses with Paulo Daumas


wine course

Wine Is Everyone

Tasting wines means appreciating them with knowledge and passion. It is discovering their elements, understanding the production, and valuing the winemakers. It is to know how to pair, care and serve. It is to avoid mistakes and random consumption. Tasting wine is drinking with style, expertise, and wisdom.

Food Safety

Foodborne illnesses are caused by contamination of ingredients and can occur at any stage of the food production, delivery, and consumption chain. The main objective of Food Safety is to provide the correct food handling, and identify and control chemical, physical, and biological risks, aiming at a healthy and safe consumption.

All About Wine

For centuries, wine has been produced by pressing grapes and letting them ferment so that the sugar turns into alcohol. With the development of Viticulture, better grape varieties, new growing techniques, improvements in production, and wine storage, best practices emerged, reaching our glasses. In every sip, we decipher this evolution!

Kitchen Safety

It's not just in professional kitchens that unsafe factors exist and can lead to accidents, but they are also in home kitchens. So, understanding the hazards and risks in our places, as well as safety control measures, are essential for everyone's health and safety. Prevention always comes first!

The Sauces Of Classic French Cuisine

Classic French cuisine has influenced the culinary world in several countries for centuries due to its traditions. Among so many ingredients, and recipes, the sauce, as long as it is prepared correctly, can raise the quality of any dish, providing texture, flavours, color, complexity, and balance.

All About Portuguese Wines

Portugal is the most conservative country in Europe regarding wine production, keeping its centuries-old traditions. Luckily, the Portuguese reached the New World Wine without abandoning their originality, using modern enology techniques to produce robust and structured wines.


I Am Paulo Daumas

With years of experience in agriculture, industrial processes, and gastronomy, it is my mission to build and provide quality content for individuals to understand the origins and food and beverage tradition, their production chains, methods, and techniques used during the process, and the preparation for healthy and sustainable consumption.

Why My Courses

Expand your knowledge and stay tuned in the gastronomy world

Instructor Expertise

The instructor's technical-professional knowledge in the agriculture, industry, and gastronomy areas makes GastroVino Academy a content generation site with excellence and expertise.

differentiated content

The contents are prepared with a technical-scientific character through the writer's knowledge or supported by renowned authors. Classes are addressed objectively and uncomplicated through high-quality videos, making them dynamic, fast, and easygoing.

learn in your time

You can pause, rewind or forward lessons according to your time. The student can watch one or more modules at once or playback as needed. Everything at its own time!


You can attend classes whenever and wherever you want. Whether on mobile, computer, or tablet, while traveling or at home. You are the one who decides where, when, and how.

critical view

Be prepared to build ideas and opinions for analysis of relevant gastronomy aspects, intensifying the critical point of view.

continuing education

The continuous qualification is the certainty that it is never too late to learn, but there is always something to be studied. Therefore, the GastroVino Academy is constantly changing in the process of new content.


Our certificate of completion is released on the platform itself in the "Student Area," where you can download it right after concluding the course.


At GastroVino Academy, we are committed to the users' satisfaction through direct contact with our team.

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